Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Dallas, TX
Workers’ compensation insurance is a crucial safety net designed to protect employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. Contact Lakewood Insurance in Dallas, TX, to learn about your company’s workers’ compensation coverage options and get a personalized quote.
Who is Eligible for Workers’ Compensation Insurance? 
In general, employees whose companies purchase a workers’ compensation policy are covered from the moment they start their job. Independent contractors and volunteers may also be eligible for coverage in certain circumstances.
What Types of Injuries are Covered by Workers’ Compensation?
An injury or illness that occurs as a result of job duties may be covered by workers’ compensation, including slip-and-fall accidents and repetitive strain injuries or occupational illnesses caused by exposure to harmful substances.
Your agent can help you understand the scope of your company’s workers’ compensation coverage.
Contact Us
Contact Lakewood Insurance today to tailor an insurance plan to meet your company’s needs.